

Pc nikkor 19mm f/4e ed sample photos 100625-Pc nikkor 19mm f/4e ed sample photos

Buy Nikon PC Nikkor 19mm f/4E ED Lens at best price in Pakistan, Shop {{name}} with fast delivery in Lahore, we usually deliver same day in Lahore and all products are authentic and with warrantyNikon calls this the Nikon PC NIKKOR 19mm f/4E ED Aspherical N PC Perspective Control NIKKOR Nikon's brand name for all their lenses E Electronic diaphragm Silent operation, but only works with cameras introduced since about 07 ED Magic Extralow Dispersion glass for reduced secondary chromatic aberrationThe PCNikkor 19mm does not suffer from vignetting, even at extreme adjustments, despite the large field of view The lens is more distortionfree than, for example, the less extreme but slightly older 24mm PCE Nikkor That is of course a huge plus for architectural photography The influence of newer coatings is also clearly visible Lens Rentals Blog Pc nikkor 19mm f/4e ed sample photos

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